What..... she's almost 3 years old
Jayden Skye Lawson
Nov. 1, 2003
She really is a miracle baby, I thank God daily for our daughter. I love her laugh, her smile, her caring nature, everything about her. I can not imagine life without her anymore. As I write this, Im on a little 2 day vacation with my best buddy, which has been a blast, but I an excited to get back to Jay, and paint pictures, play puzzles, and do toddler stuff. Once you become a mother, man it changes you. Being away from her makes me miss her nighly prayer which goes "Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, let this food to us be Blessed Amen. Yes, it is a meal time prayer, but God knows she is talking to Him, and she will learn..
I love sweet baby prayers. And, I know, isn't it amazing how nice it is to get away, and then when we're gone, we miss our babies so badly? Oh, and I like Jayden's "big girl" bed. Your blog is awesome!! I've been adding to mine like I'm an addict...
mom!!! i didnt know that you had a blogg for me!!
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